Archive for the 'Training' Category

Improved training for Better Banks

Jonette HansonImproved training is one of the big issues members are raising at the launch of Better Banks. Jonette Hanson from ANZ Kilbirnie said “The training comes later and it’s not too bad. But first you have a customer in front of you and you’re like ‘Hello!’”

Meanwhile Rachel Leusi from BNZ said “We’re pressured because we are always getting new staff in. We’ve always got to train them, but we’ve still got to meet our targets.”

Rachel LeusiBanking is one of the only industries in the country that does not have a formal Industry Training Organisation (ITO). ITOs work with industries to set recognised and transferable qualification standards for the sectors they cover. They encourage and promote workplace learning, arrange formal training programmes, and exercise a skills leadership role on behalf of their industries. Over 30,000 businesses and organisations and nearly 140,000 people in industries as diverse as pharmacy, crane operations, painting and social services, take part in industry training every year but nothing happens in banks. Better Banks is about better training for bank workers and better training is better for customers and better for bank shareholders.

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