Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Have a say on public transport, hospital waiting lists, rubbish collection, footpaths, parks…

Vote 2007New Zealanders have now got just over a week left to vote for our local councillors, mayor and district health board. And Finsec union councillors from around the country are stressing the importance of union members taking their chance to vote:

“To have your say, you need to speak out, to speak out, you need to be heard, to be heard you must vote. It doesn’t take more than a few minutes of your time, but it takes a long time to change.”
Debbi Wilding, BNZ Paraparaumu

“It is important to vote at Local Body Elections as people who are candidates live in your area or township/city and deal with or are familiar with the same issues that are common and can relate to them. They need your support and representation to resolve them.”
Nola Macken, St Lukes

“The influence of local government on my daily life is equal to that of central government. Transport, environment, water, roading and footpaths, social support (from helping the homeless to graffiti cleaning) and regional infrastructure. By voting for my local representatives I have the opportunity to have a like-minded person address the issues that concern me.”
Robert Morgan, Carlton Gore

“It is a privilege to be giving the opportunity to let your voice be heard. To vote is a right there some people do not have. Use your right to vote to get your message across. Local body elections are most important because these directly relate to you and your family’s community.”
Graham Lee, Huapai/Kumeu

Elections close on 13 October. For your vote to count make sure you send off your forms by Thursday 11 October. Best of all, post it today so that you don’t forget!

While Finsec does not endorse any specific candidates for local elections, unions through the NZ Council of Trade Unions support policies that benefit ordinary working people such as public ownership of important assets, good public transport, and investment in community facilities. Have a good look at the policies of the candidates in your area and work out which people best reflect your views on these and other issues.


FacebookFinsec is now at Facebook. So why not give us poke, add us as a friend, keep up to date and help build our union network. Next week we are looking to join MySpace and Bebo.

(thanks to Laughing Squid for the photo)


A bit more on the introduction of new coins

Tellers, watch out for these in your worksites!

New coins mean less sore backs

new coinsRussell Brown received his new coins here, but the rest of us will need to wait until the end of the month. From 31 July 2006 the current 50, 20, and 10 cent coins will be replaced with smaller and lighter coins, and the 5 cent coin will begin to be phased out. The coins will still be easy to tell apart – they will retain the same designs, and the 10 cent coin will be copper-coloured.

Finsec wrote a submission last year supporting the smaller coins, noting that:

“We frequently see injuries caused by lifting bags and/or cases of coins and it is not uncommon to see staff who deal with heavy coin wearing wrist supports. Typically, these injuries are gradual process ones caused by lifting heavy loads of coin over a prolonged period of time. Injuries are not limited to gradual process ones. Recently, a Finsec member who is employed as a bulk teller dislocated her shoulder lifting a heavy bag of coins.”

And for those of you who are still uncertain about how the future will turn out, there is always these games to help ease the transition.

You can contact us at:

0800 FINSEC (0800 346 732)

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RSS LabourStart – act now to help other workers

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Finsec Photos
