Archive for the 'Diners Club' Category

Finsec members dining out on a better deal

Finsec members at Diners Club completed negotiations this week with a good outcome for union members. The deal included a 1-year term for the CEA, a 1.5% salary increase plus a one off cash payment of $650 in February.

Staff had not had an increase to their salary since 2007 and were expecting to receive a one off payment the same as last year of $400 if they were lucky. They are delighted with the increase and 100% voted to accept the offer.

Diners gives more than 0%

Finsec members at Diners Club have voted to settle their Collective Employment Agreement after winning an offer that equates to around 3.4% annually – up from the 0% Diners originally put on the table. The improved offer comes after members unanimously rejected 0% and voted to authorise strike action.

The accepted offer is for a 15 month term and includes a mix of a negotiated increase to salaries and a cash payment, which will be worth approximately 3.4% (annualised) over the course of the term. While members were pushing for a higher increase, they have voted to accept the offer due to the progress made since the original nil wage offer.

Diners members win 3.5% and respect

Diner Near BostonFinsec members at Diners have recently voted to ratify a 15 month employment agreement with a 3.5% pay rise. Diners had initially offered a less-than-earth shattering 0.3% pay rise. This would have meant an extra $2.11 cents per week for someone starting in a data entry or cashier role.

The final offer that Finsec members accepted is worth $24.59 to the same cashier. The new agreement also now includes a fifth week of annual leave on completion of six years of service and a working party to look at the issue of workplace superannuation.

Sandy Moore, who was on the Finsec negotiating team, said she was offended and disappointed by the initial offer. She believes that key to improving the offer was strong staff unity a growing membership and “expressing how strongly staff felt and our commitment to following through to obtain a reasonable settlement.”

(Thanks to Bob Jagendorf for the photo)

New Diners Club Collective Employment Agreement now downloadable

OK, so these Collective Agreement things are not always the most exciting reads. But this one is a good one for the Finsec members at Diners who have just won a 5% pay increase this year after years of below inflation pay rises. (pdf file 407kb)

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